Declutter Project #7 - Health Problems and New Plans

Well, I've just discovered I have gallstones, and I've been pretty sick, so not much is getting done. I've had time to do some thinking (I think too much, have you noticed that?) and I'm torn between trying to make this apartment work and moving into a 2 BR apartment in a sister-complex next door.

Pros and Cons of Moving

The new apartment would not be quite as nice, but it's 100 SF more space with a lot of closet space for only $35 a month. I was afraid that I would use all that closet space to stash junk, but I can see that I really do need space
  • to put my clothes that isn't piled full of boxes.
  • to store my garden supplies
  • to stash my son's stuff until he can get it
  • to store office supplies
  • to be able to stockpile like I used to to save more money
If I stay here, I would create a partition in the LR/DR area and use about 5 feet of space to extend the kitchen. I never am going to have a dining room table, because it's just me and I don't entertain. I can go floor-to-ceiling with storage, but that just makes such visual clutter. It would encourage me to declutter more, though, so catch-22.

Lots to Gain, but Lots to Lose

If I move I also lose my gardens I've put in here. There wouldn't be space for them there, and that complex is mostly pretty heavily shaded. I'd have to take out all these plantings before I go; well, not all of them, but most. Maintenance has said they would clear the courtyard, but would leave the large shrubs and such in the outside gardens. I'd miss my gardens in a way, but in a way, I wouldn't, because I'm getting a community garden plot where I can grow food and flowers.

Then there is the packing and unpacking and all that physical work involved with moving. My back hates moving. My brain hates moving.

Anyway, it's all just a plan right now. I'm continuing to get rid of as much as I can, but I've had to stop for now because I have no space to work. Once I feel better and am able to get some things sold and taken to Goodwill, I will be able to make more progress.

Life is all about changes, but I've had so many in the past few years, it's getting really old.


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