Declutter Project - #2

Sorry, no pics and this is a few days old. I forgot to post it. 

I have enough to carry over to Goodwill and donate now. I went through about 10 boxes this morning. Ended up with
  • 4  full keep boxes - two automatic keeps and 4 boxes consolidated down to 2 keeps
  • 2 boxes of papers and files that I need to go through a piece at a time
  • 1 box of my son's stuff
  • 1 box to donate and a few things to sell
  • 1 bag of garbage & a couple of larger things out to the dumpster

So I ended up getting rid of 3 boxes out of 10. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it is considering that

  • I can't get rid of any of my son's stuff until he goes through it next year when he visits
  • A lot of this has already been decluttered and determined to be things I couldn't live without
  • Some of it is things I could probably use in the van
  • I'm not sure the van dwelling thing will work out, so I need to keep enough to at least decorate a new place if it doesn't.
This is a different kind of declutter since I'm not staying here, but will be putting things into storage. Closer to the end, I'm going to have to mark off space that will be equal to the storage room, and get rid of more so I can fit everything into as small a space as possible. I guess you could say this is being done in stages. It took me 5 years to rid myself of 75% of what I owned, so one more year to get rid of more isn't so bad.

So far, I've gotten rid of 5 boxes of stuff and put some furniture and other stuff back out by the dumpster. This afternoon I'm going to concentrate on taking pictures and putting up ads on Craigslist for some large things, like a bicycyle, desk, and microwave, plus about a dozen smaller things, and also renewing previous ads that got no responses.

Some things will go quickly, some won't, but slowly but surely, I'm making a dent in the wall of boxes in the bedroom, so I'm happy so far, except that my LR is a disaster area. I may have to take some time tomorrow to straighten up before I pull anything else out. Working in such a tiny space makes it more difficult.

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