It's Amazing How Much Your Body Deteriorates in 27 Months

It's entirely my fault. For 27 months, I lived with someone who was constantly talking about how weak and tired and unable to do anything she was, and it infected me. I started out walking 2 miles a day there, and gardening, but ended up just sitting in my bedroom on my computer all day. Once the third roommate moved out, and there was no one there who would help me with anything, I just quit trying and fell into a deep depression. I gained 20 pounds. It became difficult for me to even walk around the block.

Now I'm fighting my way back, but it is so hard. My body has deteriorated rapidly from lack of fresh air and exercise. Now that I have to walk a lot, my legs, feet and hips are screaming at me. It's only been a couple of weeks, so I know I'll get stronger and feel better. I know I will eventually lose this weight and get healthier, but it's much harder than I thought it would be.

You see, when I lived here before, I regularly walked the 1.5 miles to downtown and back, just to get out of the house, go to the library, or go pay a bill. I walked and walked and walked. Now I can hardly make it to the grocery store and back, which is only a 1.6 mile round trip.

I have blisters on both of my feet, and I'm using my vibrating foot bath on an almost daily basis. My feet and legs started swelling from all the NSAIDS I've been taking, so I'm cutting back on them and have ordered some supplements that are supposed to help that. The bus stop is only 3-1/2  blocks away, but it feels like a mile.  The heat doesn't help, so I have to do everything in the early mornings or early evenings.

So it's hard, but I will overcome this and become stronger and healthier. I will. I won't give up until I do. It seems like it will take a lot longer than I thought, but that's o.k. I'm 62 years old now, and I didn't expect to get healthy overnight. It will take a couple of years to get to where I actually want to be, but it will go faster once I get this weight off.

This is like starting from zero, learning to walk all over again, stumbling, falling, getting back up, and going on for a few more feet, a few more days.

I'll make it. I have to. For my sons, but especially, for myself.


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