Getting Organized and Creating Space

I'm still working on getting everything I need into my tiny room here. I have several boxes that will have to go back to storage, but that's o.k. -- nothing I can't live without for 3 months.

I will post pics soon of the crates used as shelves and how I am maximizing space in the storage that is there. One problem is that I somehow stored my box with the shoe-holder in it, so I will have to make a trip to Goodwill to buy another shoe organizer. There is always a use for those, so no biggie. Plus, I DESPERATELY need some of those over-the-door hooks to hang things on. I can probably find those at the Family Dollar down the street. I know I can fit everything into the room, it will just take some finagling. I'll definitely need to buy one shelving unit, but I will need that once I move anyway, so no problem there.

One thing that is taking up space is having to put my food into my room. There is one tiny shelving unit here for a pantry, and I'm going to leave the remaining shelf for the third roommate who isn't here yet. Besides, I'm not good with sharing my food, and I've had so many roommates who literally ate me out of house and home that I don't want to put anything out that isn't "shareable." I will try to eat down some of this food so I can have more storage space. 

I'll work it all out eventually. I have so many baskets and trays from my last place that I know I can make space in the most unlikely places. I am literally known for creating storage space where there was none before. Still, can't wait to get into my own place where I can put everything out into a space and leave it there.

I'm very tired still from my trek into town yesterday. I wanted to go shopping today, but think that will have to wait until tomorrow after another day of rest. No hurry, I'm not going anywhere for 3 months at least.


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