Finding Where You Are Meant To Be

My father used to say "Things always turn out the way they are supposed to." I don't really believe that in full, because you do have some control over your life, but it seems that for the last few years, I have had little to none.

As most of you know, I just moved back to Gainesville, FL from SW Florida. For those of you unfamiliar with the story, here's a short recap. I lost my house in 2011, moved to Gainesville on the advice of an online friend, broke my wrist, lost my job, was about to get evicted, so I sold a lot of what I owned and moved back to SW Florida to stay with a friend for "a few months" that turned into 27 months due to crazy circumstances. How's that for a run-on sentence? I was torn between coming back here and moving to Englewood, FL, but every time I tried to move to Englewood, something intervened, so I figured I was meant to be here.

So here I am. Now what?

I've only been back a week, and am already running into craziness; storage place gave away my unit, so I had to fight to get a bigger unit at the same price, and I still think they are trying to screw me, which I hope they aren't, because I've already fought one company online this year (got my roommate a new refrigerator from Sears) and I'm not in the mood to do it again.

I messed up my toenails wearing bad shoes during the move, and one is literally being held on with a bandaid. It will take 18 months for it to grow back out and reattach to the nail bed, from what I read online. Great. And I'm a sandals person, too. Live in flip flops.

One good thing happened. I got in touch with Porter's Community Garden about volunteering and getting a plot there, which was one of the main reasons I moved back here. Community gardening is my "thing."  Well, gardening in general, but I really believe in community gardening.

I love walking in this neighborhood, and hope I can find somewhere to live close by, but I may have problems on that point, as my credit is shot and I don't make a lot of money. It seems to make no difference that I have a stable income now from SS that will pay the rent in full. I'm not giving up, though. If I have to live in an apartment complex for awhile just to prove myself and save some major money, I will. Still, I have an ad up on Craigslist, and I'm hoping something or someone with a kind heart comes along, because I don't want to have to move twice again.

I know I am meant to be here, and it's only been a week, after all. I'm impatient to get my new life started, because I know it will be awesome.


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