Small Space Problem #1: Lack of Kitchen Counter Space

I've written before about how my kitchen is larger than most homes this size, but it was built in a time before small kitchen appliances cluttered our countertops. I can see now that I am going to have to come up with a solution sooner than later. Right now, I am forced to keep the kitchen uber clean and tidy just to have a place to put together a meal or even to put a dirty dish. Not being an especially neat and tidy person by nature, I have to force myself to clean more often than I'd like.

I had planned to make my sons' old children's desk into a small kitchen island with a drop leaf so it could also be used as a table. Not really sure about that now, since I have no power tools to do the job. I may just have to buy something ready-made like a microwave cart or something similar.

Then there is the layout problem. The kitchen is a galley style, with the stove on one side between two small counters and the sink on the other between two slightly larger counters. The major problem comes in with electrical outlets. There are only two in the kitchen area and one on the wall in the dining area. I may actually have to give up the dining area to put in a long countertop to hold all the appliances so I can have counterspace in the kitchen. I wouldn't really use a dining area anyway, because I never have guests, and if my sons come, they are fine with just eating anywhere. I'm thinking of maybe getting a folding table and chairs.

All this costs money I don't have right now, so it's just dreaming. Since I may not even stay here, I may just work out a temporary solution, but I need appliances. I'm dying without a toaster oven. Have you ever tried to cook pop tarts in a real oven? Not easy, and a huge waste of energy.


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