2017 - New Year, Big Plans

So I've been in this apartment for almost 18 months, and have not yet unpacked all the boxes or furnished it. Back in October I gave myself six months to unpack and furnish the apartment, but I didn't do it. There is a reason for that.

I have had to move so many times in the past 6 years, that I was completely afraid that I would have to move again. Packing kills me. It is so bad on my back that I can't even bear to think about it, so the thought of having to pack and move again was just terrifying!  I wanted to wait until I knew I would be here awhile before I committed to putting time, energy and money into it.

Well, I love it here, so I'm settling in. This is the year I unpack the boxes and furnish the apartment to make it a home. I've established my gardens, and of course, they are always in transition, but I have a handle on what I want to do there now and what will work. You can read about all that on my gardening blog, if you like gardening.

This blog will be changing too, with more pictures and posts on Pinterest as I make all the necessary changes. My plans include:
  1. Unpacking the boxes and either getting rid of or using what's in them. Honestly, I'll probably get rid of most of it, hopefully selling some to get money for other projects.
  2. Getting a new bed and setting up the BR. It will be great to actually have a real BR and not be sleeping in the LR anymore.
  3. Buying LR furniture and finally setting it up as a LR
  4. Extending the kitchen out into the non-existent DR space. I dont' really need a DR, and I do need kitchen space.
  5. Making the kitchen more functional by building and adding a rolling pegboard pantry door. This is actually going to be a big project, since I have absolutely no idea how to build such a thing. I may have to hire it out, but we'll see.
  6. Adding shelves here and there to create more storage. This will be an ongoing project that will also utilize "trash to treasure" in the form of rescuing old discarded dresser drawers to make into shelving. 
Sounds lke fun, huh? Well, fun and a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be well worth it in the end.

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