Hey, All You Minimalist YouTubers -- How About Minimalizing Your Videos?

Honestly, I cannot understand why minimalist YouTubers need to have such loooooong videos! In writing, we are taught "conciseness," which is using as few words as possible to express your thought. You could learn a lesson from that. That being said, I'm not being concise here because I'm trying to express some complex emotions and feelings. If I was being concise, the first three words of the previous sentence would be gone.

I just stopped watching minimalist YouTube videos, because I can't find one less than 5 minutes long. Seriously, how long does it take to tell people the 5 things you don't buy anymore?

One video went on and on for 3 full minutes about why she no longer buys knick-knacks. WHAT??? Just say "They are useless things I no longer feel I need," and get on with it.  There is no need for 19+ minutes of video to list 10 things. Never. Nobody wants to hear about your shopping trips with your friends where you bought tons of crap.

Here are some ways I think you could improve your videos.
  1. Write a script. The best videos I see online are obviously scripted. They say what needs to be said, show what needs to be shown and BAM! They're done. When you do it freestyle, you tend to ramble and get off topic or talk about boring, useless things that aren't needed. Scripting also keeps you from doing all the "ums" and "ahs" and "so" that make me, and many other people, click away from you.
  2. Give Yourself a Time Limit. Studies show that most people's attention span online is 3 minutes, so a 3 minute intro means that you just lost most of your audience before you even got to the meaty part. Using the "10 things" video as an example, that should not have been more than 5 minutes long, and even better, cut it down to 5 things in 3 minutes.
  3. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse. Learn your script! Don't be constantly be looking down at your notes, and for heaven's sake, try not to sound like you're reading off of a teleprompter. Practice your video script until you get it down to your time limit, or very close. You may need to talk a little faster, or cut some more out, but a well-rehearsed video is much more appealing than impromptu.
  4. Edit, Edit, Edit. In many of these long videos, editing could have taken out 2/3rds of the useless content. Learn to edit your videos and use that skill to your advantage. You'll never be a YouTube star by just droning on and on about things no one wants to hear.
  5. For God's Sake, Dress Decently!  Believe it or not, we don't want to see your boobs, or even your cleavage unless you're making a risque sex-related video. You may think that sex sells, but leaning over into the camera in a low-cut tank top does not make your video any more appealing. If you actually want people to listen to what you're saying, cover up your damned body!
The point is, if I feel this way, so do a lot of other people, so if your goal is to be a YouTube star, you need to minimalize your videos and be a lot more professional. BTW, I limited myself to 600 words here, and came out under that.


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