Day 10 Without Social Media

Wow. I've been so busy doing productive things since giving up social media that I have barely missed it. I didn't give up Pinterest, and I've gone there a few times, but got bored and left. It's not much fun since I've deleted most of my stuff and am not following so many people.

I still miss my gardening group on Facebook, but I'm using Gardenweb again, and really enjoying it. It's not as local as I'd like, but I don't have to put up with all the other insanity there.

I don't miss G+ at all. Not a bit. I thought I would, because for a year after I left FB before, G+ was my daily go-to. There are some nice people there, no doubt, but it's such an intellectual place. I always feel like no one reads my posts at all because I'm not smart enough for them. Seriously, hardly anyone ever read or commented on my timeline posts, and the groups I started never were very participatory. I would post, a couple of people would comment, but mostly, they were just dead. It made me realize I had no life and other people did. I had around 1400 followers, and hardly ever got comments or visits to the blogs. How sad is that? Sometimes, "social" media can make you feel very much alone and ignored.

I do sometimes miss being able to share things, but I figure someone else is sharing it, so people will see it whether I'm there to share it or not. If they don't, they won't die. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have died. I still get that "tug" to share, though, but it passes quickly.

So what have I been doing? I've raked a big pile of leaves that I'm going to use as soil amendment in my garden. I've actually planned out what my courtyard is going to look like, but not what will be planted there yet. I obtained a small shelving unit for my bedroom and organized some clothes so they aren't lying all about. I now have my pathways back so I can get to my closet. Got tired of stepping on things like some crazy hoarder just to get to my clothes. I still haven't gone through any more boxes, but I've been a little busy working.

I'm actually taking better care of myself. I set up alarms on the computer to remind me to take all my vitamins and supplements, and I'm doing pretty well with that. I sometimes turn them off and don't do it on time, but mosty I do what I should do. You can read more about that on the Health and Fitness blog.

I have a plan for consolidating all the blogs into one now, but it's just a plan and I won't start on it until June, when I'm all done with the trip to Seattle.

The point is, I'm getting things DONE, not just sitting around reading about what other people are doing with their lives. It feels good. I'm thinking of making cookies today.


  1. Hey, thanks for this wonderfully written article. I chuckled along the way because a lot of it sounded familiar. I have "trained" myself not to give a damn about social media. I don't have twitter or instagram and I don't intend of having it. I even deleted FB off my phone so that I don't have an urge checking what crap other people did. Life is so beautiful and it is sad that a lot of people are missing out on it...

  2. Thanks for your comment, Marjaan. I sometimes worry that people won't find my blogs without sharing them, but that doesn't really seem to be a problem. I'm much happier without all that mental clutter in my life.


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