Just Checking In and Thoughts on My New Place

Sort of at a standstill here as to doing anything with the new place. I'm just working hard at making enough money to move and buy some of the things I will need. I don't want to buy too much up front, because I want to get it all on the truck in one trip since I have to pay for mileage. Not that it's that much mileage, but every penny counts, right?

I've decided I want some new and some used furniture. Basically, I'm thinking a new couch and a new mattress for my bedroom. I'm tired of sleeping on a twin bed. Angel (the cat) and I need space to spread out a little more. She used to love sleeping on the pillow next to mine, and now there is just so little room, she is always snuggled up next to me somewhere. I even accidentally push her off the bed sometimes, and if I'm restless, she ends up going to sleep elsewhere.

Other than that, I'm going to buy used furniture. The only problem I will have is getting some of it to the house, since I don't have a car, and don't really know anyone with a truck who would help me. I'll work it out, but not knowing any one strong who can help you move stuff is a big problem. I'll work it out. I always do.

I really just need to GET THERE before I can see exactly what I need. I know I need bookcases, living room and dining room furniture, but I need to measure and judge space before I go shopping for those.

Getting stuff is the fun part. After you have it all, life gets boring.


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