Seriously Considering Cancelling Home Internet Service and Working at the Library

Since I work online, I've always used that as an excuse for paying exorbitant prices for mediocre internet service (we only have two choices here - AT&T & Cox). I'm on a simplification & decluttering journey, and I've just about made up my mind to give up my home internet and work at the library.

There are several reasons for this.

1) I hardly ever leave my house. I go out to buy groceries, and that's about it. Otherwise, I don't leave unless I have to. This will force me out of my comfort zone into the real world.

2) It will give me more exercise, which will help my other goal of losing weight and getting in shape. Sitting on your butt all day online is not conducive to physical health and well-being.

3) It will force me to take better care of myself. I hate to admit this, but I don't bathe every day, or sometimes even every other day. I don't eat well, mostly just munch on whatever is in the fridge. This would force me to eat breakfast and fix a decent lunch to take with me at least. Oh- and shower daily -- that too.

5) It will keep me from wasting time at home surfing and watching way too much T.V. and YouTube. There are many, many days when I get up at 8 a.m., get online and don't get off until I go to bed at 10 p.m. I'm tired of living this way. At the very worst, I'll end up reading books instead of mindlessly surfing.

6) I'll make more money. At home, it's too easy to just click on a social site and spend the whole day surfing instead of working. If I'm at the library, for some strange reason, I tend to work more, play less.

7) Last, but not least, the cost -- $17.50 for a monthly senior bus pass as opposed to $48.30 for crappy 5mbps internet. They just raised my internet rates too, and from what I hear, they raise them every year. So that's at least a $369.60 yearly savings.

I'm probably going to try it for a month before I actually pull the plug, just to see what it's like. I can imagine that in the summer, it won't be the most pleasant experience riding the bus and walking in the heat, nor am I equipped to be out in the rain, but those are all hardships that may well be worth all the benefits.


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