Minimal vs. Comfortable

I've been thinking a lot about space lately. It started with garden space. I've pretty much done what I can do with the garden space I have outside the courtyard and I'm working on the inner courtyard now. The only problem I have is fighting the urge to take over more outside area and create a monster
I can't take care of. Since I'm very short on funds to do what I want and need to do inside the courtyard, I've been looking at the inside apartment itself.

The thing I've discovered is that I don't have enough space. O.K., that's sort of a distorted view, because I do have enough space if I utilize it right, but I'm feeling uncomfortable with what I'll have to do in order to cram all this stuff into this apartment. My walls will have to be stacked floor-to-ceiling with all my possessions, and a lot of them will have to go into the bedroom. Now granted, the bedroom is 140sf with a nice sized closet, but I'm sort of sick of having a bedroom that is a storage shed with a bed. I'd really like to have a bedroom that is JUST a bedroom again. There is the perpetual problem of where to put the bicycle, and I haven't been able to figure that one out yet. Aside from putting a huge storage shed outside that will take up most of the courtyard, I'm not sure there is a solution.

I know I talked about moving to the apartment next door, but I've thought better of that.
  1. the guy living there now smokes like a fiend, and I don't know if that smell can ever be removed, especially if he stays another year.
  2. the LR faces North, which makes the apartment really dark. I sort of love my bright, sunny front window.
  3. The yard slopes badly, so I'd have to put a lot of money into terracing to make most of it useful. Plus, the outside faucet isn't very accessible. I'd have to run it up and over the courtyard wall and walk all the way around the building to turn it on and off. Too much hassle.
So I've decided to stay in this apartment for now. I already have all my outside garden beds set up, and it would be a lot of trouble to move them, plus I'd have to replace the grass if I did.

The problem is where to put the stuff, and I think I've settled on putting a small storage cabinet in the courtyard to hold tools and some pots. I can't plant what I want to out there anyway, so turning it into a storage area might work out well.

Of course, these are only thoughts. I may actually end up moving to Mexico in a couple of years, so I have time to think about it. I know, crazy, right? But it's something I've been seriously thinking about. I could get a larger place with a nice yard close to a lake for less than what I'm paying now, and life is pretty cheap down there. Anyway, I'm studying Spanish just in case.


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